You feel like alcohol has hijacked your life. You think you should stop drinking but have tried and failed several times. It’s hard to imagine your life without alcohol in it, but alcohol is now controlling you, and you don’t recognize yourself. You want to change, but you are scared and unsure what to do next.

I know exactly how that feels ...

I'm a coach for people who feel like alcohol has hijacked their lives. Although they can’t imagine life without it, every time they drink or fail to control their drinking, they wake up feeling ashamed, guilty and frightened. I help them eliminate alcohol, so they are free to socialize, have fun and restore their health without ever feeling like they are “missing out.”

Twenty years ago I was drinking too much ...

Throughout my twenties I drank heavily, more than I knew was good for me, I always sought a peer group who drank as much as I did.  I drank before any social situation because I was too scared to face people; I drank before parties because I was scared there wouldn’t be enough booze there for me to get the “buzz” I needed.  I drank anytime I felt scared and couldn’t cope, I began to sneak drinks and drink on my own. I drank because I thought that was how I had fun.

The truth was I felt  suicidal. I would wake up the next day and felt like my soul had been scraped out and was lying on the floor next to me.  I didn’t know how I was going to get out of bed let alone make it through the rest of my life. My feelings of loneliness and despair just grew. 

I was slowly dying on the inside; it wasn’t the alcohol that was killing me, it was the lies that I was telling myself.  I had to lie to myself as it was the only way I could deal with the fear inside of me.


" I always sought a peer group who drank as much as I did"

I was so scared to quit drinking ...

I realized that the only way to create the life I wanted would be to stop drinking. The idea of never drinking was terrifying to me; I was only 27. How was I ever going to have fun again? But not only was I able to stop drinking, my life became fun and fulfilling. Finally, I became free of the prison I had made for myself; the only thing that had ever limited me was my thinking.  Recovery gave me a new perspective on life; it gave me back my self-belief and confidence. 


"I drank before parties because I was scared there wouldn’t be enough booze there for me to get the “buzz” I needed."


How I found freedom ...

I am finally engaging in the process of reaching my full potential and becoming the woman I was meant to be.   I am no longer living in fear I am just the opposite: I am fearless in everything I do. I no longer worry whether you like me or not because I love who I am.  I wake up every day and find something to be joyful about. 

I saw many people stop drinking but still have the same problems they had before. I knew there was a different way and for the last 17 years, I have helped thousands of people reach their full potential by being alcohol-free. I have worked as a therapist and recovery coach and now lead online programs so I can reach even more people.

If you have read this far then, I know you have struggled too. Please know you are not alone. I would love to hear from you. If  you want to find out how to become alcohol-free or are just thinking about stopping drinking for a while check out my 'work-with me' page and don’t forget to join my free Closed facebook group.


Qualifications and experience

NOTE: Before paying for any sober services or online courses, please ensure that the people delivering the content are qualified, experienced and signed up to an ethical code of conduct.

Veronica qualified as a Psychotherapist in 2004. Continuously sober since May 2nd, 2000. She became an accredited with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy’ in 2005 and held membership with the Federation of Drug and Alcohol Counsellors and UK Council for Psychotherapy.

She holds an Advanced Diploma in Humanistic Counselling (2003) and a Diploma in Addictions Counselling (2001).

She is currently a member of the America Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques and abides by their code of ethics.

Further qualifications include:

Level 2 EFT Training (Emotional Freedom Technique) 2008 and 2016

MASC Life coach

NLP Practitioner training

- Negotiating and influencing skills 2005

- Strategic planning 2004

- Introduction to Gestalt 2004

- Performance Management 2004

- Solution-focused therapy 2004

- Working with Crack users 2004

- Child Protection 2003

- Anger management 2003

- Working with Eating Disorders 2003

- Alcohol and young women 2003

- Substance Misuse and Young People

- Dealing with difficult clients 2003

- Motivational Interviewing 2003

- Child Protection 2003

- Transactional Analysis 2002


Veronica has worked a psychotherapist in private practice and in clinical settings since 2002. She was the Clinical Director of a treatment center and has worked in the criminal justice field and with government drug strategy. She currently offers her services as a recovery coach to clients all over the world.



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